14 - 18 October 2018

Bilbao, Spain

Euro PM2018 Proceedings

Euro PM2018 Proceedings

The congress proceedings were included in the registration package for full delegates and provided in USB format.

For others wishing to purchase the proceedings, this can be done on the EPMA website.

Online Presence and Referencing

EPMA has agreements with ProQuest LLC, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, EBSCO and Scopus to enable the wider circulation of papers presented at EPMA conferences and to enhance their standing in the academic community. The papers from Euro PM2018 will subsequently be made available to the subscribers of these products after October 2019.

Past Euro PM / World PM Proceedings

CD / USB and PDF proceedings from past Euro PM events are available for purchase from the EPMA secretariat, with digital proceedings older than 4 years being FREE to download:

EPMA have been made aware that certain companies are sending out spam emails claiming to be selling data relating to EuroPM2018. Any information claiming to be held by these such companies should be assumed as spam and any emails received from such companies should be deleted. EPMA does not sell any data, nor is it shared with such third parties.

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