14 - 18 October 2018

Bilbao, Spain

  • Equipment
  • Raw Materials
  • Research
Company Logo
Atomising Systems Ltd
Atomising Systems (ASL) designs and supplies atomisers for the world’s powder metal producers, with over 140 atomisers supplied in some 35 countries. With its experienced technical team, ASL offers a range of services from contract R&D and consultancy through to turn-key systems, often with innovative high efficiency solutions. ASL manufactures a wide range of metal powders in its comprehensive powder production facility in Sheffield, England, with:
- 3500t/annum water atomising
- 1800t/annum gas atomising
- 30kg batch R+D atomisers
371 Coleford Road
S9 5NF
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Paul Rose
0044 114 2626 200
0044 114 2626 201



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